College of Business and Economics, Koleke Pāʻoihana a Kālaihoʻokele Waiwai

Faculty Senate Meeting January 18, 2023

College of Business and Economics Faculty Senate Meeting
Date: 01-18-2023
Subject: Faculty Senate Meeting

Amirhossein Mohammadian (Chair), Nakao (Vice Chair), Terry Jalbert, Todd Inouye, Andrey Simonov, Sijie Sun, Sukhwa Hong, Angela Faanunu, Hellen Tien, Benjamin Zenk, Deborah Hugues , Marcia Sakai (advisory).

CoBE Director Announcements:


  1. Approve the minutes from the prior meeting
CoBE Senate Minutes 20221207
Motion by Sukhwa

Seconded by Keisuke Vote 10-0-0 in favor of approval

  1. A proposal to modify the CoBE's Guidelines for Candidates for Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Post-tenure Qualification
That is to add two sentences right after the requirement for promotion to professor, as below:

C. Requirements for Promotion to Professor: Promotion to professor requires unambiguous evidence of continuing scholarly activity in the faculty member’s field of study since the last promotion. The minimum requirement for promotion to professor is the publication of six items since promotion to associate professor, three of which must be peer-reviewed articles in journals. Moreover, at least one these articles must be of substantial quality.

"However, the intellectual contribution requirements noted above may be reduced if the candidate has served as Director of the College. The reduction amount depends on how long the candidate has served in the position."

Tabled for further consideration.
  1. Guidance for CoBE representatives’ actions at Faculty Congress meeting
Propose to issue the following statement in the CoBE report to Faculty Congress on 1/20/23.

“As a college, we support evidence-based and fair processes for evaluating faculty, staff, and administrators. We also support transparent decision-making processes regarding shared governance. CoBE Senate recommends that college representatives consult with the college before coming to a vote in Faculty Congress on any sensitive matter involving evaluation of our colleagues, shared governance, or other policy measures. Should such an issue be called to a vote, representatives are advised by our college to abstain.”

Motion by Todd Seconded by Angela
11-0-0 in favor of approval
  1. Send Terry and Keisuke as CoBE’s representatives to the next Congress meeting on 1/20/2023.
Motion by Andrey Seconded by Sukwa
11-0-0 in favor of approval
  1. Update about Emeritus Status candidates

Report :

Roberta Bara:
Faculty from 2006-2016 10 years
Full 2014-2016 2 years

Tam Vu: Faculty from 2006-2019: (13 Years, but HR said it was 12 years)
Full 2015-2019
Interim Dean 2017-2019 (Time served in administration does not count toward earning Emeritus Status).

no action taken.

Minutes 1/18/23 PDF