College of Natural and Health Sciences, Koleke ʻEpekema Kūlohelohe a Olakino

Face-to-Face Instruction at CNHS

Students in GEOL 111 Lab sketch geologic features, within walking distance of campus.Students in GEOL 111 Lab sketch geologic features, within walking distance of campus.

Marine Science students stay 6 feet apart as they listen to Professor Marta DeMaintenon explain procedures for the day's Lab, before they step inside to examine and classify seaweed.In the Marine Science Lab, students wearing gloves and masks analyze seaweed, which would be a challenge to do remotely.

Nursing students work on safety restraints for patients during their lab session; nursing is the one area in which the 6-foot distance cannot be followed, but all other safety measures are strictly enforced.Nursing students work on safety restraints for patients during their lab session; nursing is the one area in which the 6-foot distance cannot be followed, but all other safety measures are strictly enforced.

Outside the Geology building, a trio of TCBES students carefully maintain proper spacing, as they work on a project using a compass.Outside the Geology building, a trio of TCBES students carefully maintain proper spacing, as they work on a project using a compass.

Tropical Plant Biology student Ryan, and Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science student Tai, keep proper social distance while discussing classes.Tropical Plant Biology student Ryan, and Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science student Tai, keep proper social distance while discussing classes.

A Nursing student practices deploying a safety restraint, for a student in a wheelchair who is posing as a patient.A Nursing student practices deploying a safety restraint, for a student in a wheelchair who is posing as a patient.

Two students take notes about petridish specimens in the Microbiology lab.Two students take notes about petri dish specimens in the Microbiology lab.

Recent Geology graduate Lil Desmither (now with HVO) uses the Geology facilities to analyze tephra from the 2018 Fissure 8 eruption.Recent Geology graduate Lil Desmither uses the Geology facilities to analyze tephra from the 2018 Fissure 8 eruption.

AI summer course participants at social distanceArtificial Intelligence research is conducted by the Computer Science department at appropriate social distance.

Custodians across campus are keeping UH Hilo clean and safe; here, Katie & Kaiden talk about which buildings need more gloves delivered.Custodians across campus are keeping UH Hilo clean and safe; here, Katie & Kaiden talk about which buildings need more gloves delivered.

BIOL-Lab-Alexis-and-Michael-examine-cell-structures-under-microscopesIn Biology Lab, Alexis and Michael put the finishing touches on specimens to examine under microscopes, keeping proper social distance.

Amani--Juaquin-enjoy-a-lunch-break-at-UH-HiloAmani and Juaquin enjoy a lunch break at UH Hilo, in the fresh air.

BIOL-Lab-Lecturer-Terre-Hawkins-explains-Lab-procedures-to-students-Malia-Michael-and-TabithaBiology Lecturer Terre Hawkins explains Lab procedures to students Malia, Michael, and Tabitha.

"Sadie Nguyen, CARES student worker, disinfects light switches, door handles, and other high-contact surfaces in the Geology Lab."Sadie Nguyen, CARES student worker, disinfects light switches, door handles, and other high-contact surfaces in the Geology Lab.

Professor Becky Ostertag shows Chad Banda the Biology 280 homework assignment.Professor Becky Ostertag shows Chad Banda the Biology 280 homework assignment.

Geology-Lab-student-Kualii-examines-lava-rock-samples-at-social-distanceIn the Geology Lab, Kualii examines samples of aa, pahoehoe and tephra.

Geology-TA-Ski-sets-up-rock-samplesGeology teaching assistant Ski selects samples of lava rocks for the afternoon introductory Lab.

Mail-Room-Austin-white-stacks-USPS-boxes-Keadin-black-prepares-outgoing-mailIn the Mail Room, Austin stacks USPS boxes, while Keadin readies the outgoing mail from UH Hilo campus.

BIOL-Lab-Nainoa-and-Malia-and-Tabitha-prepare-vegetable-specimens-for-microscope-viewingIn the Biology Lab, Nainoa, Malia and Tabitha prepare slices of vegetables for viewing under the microscope; there is at least 6 feet of separation between the students.

MARE-students-work-on-simulated-reef-transect-Kangpin-China-Kilipaki-white-Andrew-redMarine Science students work on a simulated reef with fish photos, on the UH Hilo lawn; Kangpin wearing black is from China, Kilipaki is wearing a white shirt, and Andrew is in red. The fish photos are rearranged periodically, to mimic the feeding patterns of reef fish.

Marine Science students stay 6 feet apart as they listen to Professor Marta DeMaintenon explain procedures for the day's Lab, before they step inside to examine and classify seaweed.Marine Science students stay 6 feet apart as they listen to Professor Marta DeMaintenon explain procedures for the day's Lab, before they step inside to examine and classify seaweed.

MARE-Lab-Abigail-plots-_fish_-on-a-simulated-reef-transectIn a Marine Science Lab, Abigail plots the location of photos of reef fish on a transect that simulates a reef.

All the Labs are disinfected prior to each sessionStaff disinfect Biology Lab tables and microscopes, prior to each session.


Geology major Will Wooten installs a new battery in a research vehicle, which will be used for collecting data on volcanic gas emissions from Kilauea.Geology major Will Wooten installs a new battery in a research vehicle, which will be used for collecting data on volcanic gas emissions from Kilauea.

Biology students line up behind marked tape on the sidewalk, and listen to safety instructions from the professor before entering the Lab.Biology students line up behind marked tape on the sidewalk, and listen to safety instructions from the professor before entering the Lab.

Instructor Lisa Parr prepares sediment sieves for a Marine Science Lab to be held outdoors, with students analyzing the grain size of beach sand.Instructor Lisa Parr prepares sediment sieves for a Marine Science Lab to be held outdoors, with students analyzing the grain size of beach sand.

Biology Lab insstructor Davon Vicente explains detailed procedures to the students in microbiology lab.Biology Lab instructor Davon Vicente explains procedures to the microbiology lab.

Three Geology students (Adrian, Sinarlee and Evangeline) study rocks in the lab, while maintaining proper social distance.Students Adrian, Sinarlee and Evangeline study rocks in the Geology lab, while maintaining proper social distance.

Groundskeepers BJ & Russel review a work order that involves moving furniture, in the Wentworth science building.Groundskeepers BJ & Russel review a work order that involves moving furniture, in the Wentworth science building.

Geology instructor Cheryl Gansecki leads an Intro field trip to the dry river bed behind the dorms; the students will make sketches of geologic features, and in this image, are  learning how cement plating the riverbed will prevent erosion where the river bends; rocks embedded in the cement will produce eddies to slow down the flow.A field trip to the dry river bed behind the dorms; the students will make sketches of geologic features, and in this image, are learning how cement plating the riverbed will prevent erosion where the river bends; rocks embedded in the cement will produce eddies to slow down the flow.