College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Koleke Mahiʻai, Kālaiululāʻau, a Hoʻokele Kumuwaiwai Kūlohelohe

Submission of Manuscripts

On this page:

Publication Policy

Submission of manuscripts

Send all correspondence and manuscripts to:

The Journal for Hawaiian and Pacific Agriculture.
Office of the Editor,
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management,
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo,
Hilo, HI 96720-4091, USA
Phone: (808) 932-7038, Fax: (808) 932-7037


  • [[DIRECTOR id=770 link-text="Yiqing Li"]]

Corresponding Editor

  • Michael H. Shintaku

Editorial Board

Subject Matter

The types of information that can be published include:

  1. results of research that is relevant to tropical agricultural sciences; forestry, resource management, the environment and
  2. educational materials.

Review policy and procedures

The acceptance of all reports submitted for publication in the Journal for Hawaiian and Pacific Agriculture is based on a review by the editor who seeks additional review from appropriate specialists.

If the author does not agree with the assessment of the editor and reviewer, an appeal may be made to the editorial board for another review.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscript format

Submit 2 hard (paper) copies of the manuscript with a cover letter to the editor. The entire manuscript including: Title, Abstract, Text, Literature Cited, Table Headings, Figure Legends and Footnotes should be double spaced on 8.5 x 11 inch bond paper. Use Times Roman font (12 pt.) if possible. Manuscript should be left and right justified.

Arrange the manuscript in the following sequence:

  1. Title
  2. Author(s) and Institution(s)
  3. Abstract (cannot exceed 5% of the overall length of the paper)
  4. Text
  5. Literature Cited
  6. Tables
  7. Figures and Legends

Reviewed and accepted manuscripts should then be revised and returned to the editor (2 copies) in Microsoft Word format on CD.


Title should be brief and reflect important aspects of the publication.

Author(s) And Institution(s)

Fully identify all authors, full name, department affiliation(s) and zip code.


Prefixed (Abstract) should be a concise summation of the findings. Include names of organisms, chemicals, effects of major treatment and conclusion. List up to five key words.


  1. Style: The research report should be written in a technical style.
  2. Organisms names: The scientific name should be with the authority and if important, the cultivar or breed name.
  3. Citation: List citations in Literature Cited by names of authors. Refer to them in Text by authors last name and date of publication. Example of Literature Citation: Manarangi, A., W.S. Sakai, C. Gerken, M. Crowell, G. Nielsen and R. Short. 1987. Growth and flowering of Heliconia psittacorum cv. Parrot in Hawaii. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 1:1-2
  4. Arabic numerals: Arabic numerals should be used in all cases except at the beginning of a sentence where the usage would be unclear.
  5. Metric system: The metric system is required for all measurements.


Type tables on separate pages and number each table with Arabic numerals (e.g. Table 1). Place tables after Literature Cited. The title of each table should accurately identify its content.


Identify all figures with consecutive Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1). Figures should be numbered in the sequence in which they are cited. Type all legends on a separate numbered page immediately following tables. Information on legend should be clear and concise. Photographs must be clear, glossy, black and white prints. Lettering should be of a consistent size and style. Do not type information on figures. Be careful to protect manuscripts containing photographs with hardboard backing when sending through the mail.