College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Koleke Mahiʻai, Kālaiululāʻau, a Hoʻokele Kumuwaiwai Kūlohelohe

Bruce Mathews

University of Hawaiʻi Graduate Faculty
B.S., University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
M.S., Louisiana State University
Ph.D., University of Florida

Research Interests

  • Nutrient cycling in pasture-based livestock systems
  • Agronomic crop production in the tropics
  • Tropical silviculture
  • Rural development and extension

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

  • Hanna, W.W., C.J. Chaparro, B.W. Mathews, J.C Burns, L.E. Sollenberger, and J.R. Carpenter. 2004. Perennial Pennisetums. p. 503-535. In L.E. Moser et al. (ed.) Warm-season (C4) grasses. Am. Soc. Agron. monograph no. 45. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Mathews, B.W., S.C. Miyasaka, and J.P. Tritschler II. 2004. Mineral nutrition of C4 forage grasses. p. 217-265. In L.E. Moser et al. (ed.) Warm-season (C4) grasses. Am. Soc. Agron. monograph no. 45. ASA, Madison, WI.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.P. Tritschler II, and S.C. Miyasaka. 1998. Phosphorus management and sustainability. p. 193-222. In J.H. Cherney and D.J.R. Cherney (ed.) Grass for dairy cattle. Center for Agriculture and Biosciences (CAB) International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.

USDA Technical Panel Report

  • Mathews, B.W., A.B. Simons, C. Wilen, J. Caravetta, R.E. Barker, W. Hanna. K.B. Jensen, C. Riherd, B.L. Burson, and R. Nowierski. 2003. Report of the independent panel on kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Ex Chiov) cultivars ‘Whittet’ and ‘AZ-1'. USDA-APHIS, Riverdale, MD.

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, L.E. Sollenberger, and W.M. Steiner. 2011. Macronutrients in Hawaii’s coastal wetland pastures and potential phosphorus release to water. Agron. J. 103:830-843.
  • Mathews, B.W., and J.R. Carpenter. 2011. Growth responses of perennial peanut and potential barrel medic forage legumes to soil pH and aluminum levels in an Andisol and an Ultisol. Pac. Agric. Nat. Resour. 2:1-8.
  • Li, Y., and B.W. Mathews. 2010. Effect of conversion of sugarcane plantation to forest and pasture on soil carbon in Hawaii. Plant Soil 335:245-253.
  • Li, Y., A. Shimabukuro-Madden, and B.W. Mathews. 2010. The effects of tree plantation rotation on earthworm abundance and biomass in Hawaii. Appl. Soil Ecol. 46:151-154.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, and L.E. Sollenberger. 2009. In vitro digestibility and chemical composition of kikuyugrass as influenced by soil silicon, liming, and genotype. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 40:2855-2873.
  • Shimabukuro-Madden, A., B.W. Mathews, and R.S. Senock. 2009. Second-rotation tropical tree plantation effects on fertility of a Hydrudand soil in Hawaii. Pac. Agric. Nat. Resour. 1:27-35.
  • Dubeaux, J.C.B., Jr., L.E. Sollenberger, B.W. Mathews, J.M. Scholberg, and H.Q. Santos. 2007. Nutrient cycling in warm-climate grasslands. Crop Sci. 47:915-928.
  • Mathews, B.W., and C.J. Thurkins. 2007. Evaluation of a compost derived from sugarcane processing by-products. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 14:55-66.
  • Mathews, B.W., and J.R. Carpenter. 2007. Fertilization, aeration, and sewage biosolid effects on kikuyugrass pasture productivity. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 66:24-34.
  • Mathews, B.W., and C.J. Thurkins. 2006. Agronomic responses in the short-term to some management options for sugarcane top residue. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 13:23-34.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, L.E. Sollenberger, and S. Tsang. 2005. Phosphorus in Hawaiian kikuyugrass pastures and potential phosphorus release to water. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1214-1223.
  • Mathews, B.W., and L.E. Sollenberger. 2003. Use of dilute oxalate to recover exchangeable aluminum immobilized by sulfate salt addition to Rhodic Kandiudult subsoil. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34:531-545.
  • Mathews, B.W., S. Tsang, R.S. Senock, and L.E. Sollenberger. 2002. Soil nutrient supply under Sydney Blue Gum, N-Fixing Albizia, and naturalized Hilograss fallow in Hawaiʻi. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 61:56-62.
  • Mathews, B.W., and R.S. Senock. 2002. Comparison of the rapid Hach peroxy reagent digestion and the ignition method for estimation of total phosphorus in Hawaiian soils and sediments. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 12:1-6.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, L.E. Sollenberger, and K.D. Hisashima. 2001. Macronutrient, soil organic carbon, and earthworm distribution in subtropical pastures on an Andisol with and without long-term fertilization. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:209-230.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, E. Cleveland, Z. Gibson, and R.Y. Niino-DuPonte. 2000. Perennial forage peanut (Arachis pintoi) in pastures for raising replacement heifers/stocker steers in Hawaiʻi. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 11:1-10.
  • Mathews, B.W., and K.D. Hopkins. 1999. Superiority of S-shaped (sigmoidal) yield curves for explaining low-level nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization responses in the humid tropics. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 10:33-46.
  • Tsang, S., and B.W. Mathews. 1999. Sulfur distribution in kikuyugrass and Hanipoe soil on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 10:13-26.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.P. Tritschler II, J.R. Carpenter, and L.E. Sollenberger. 1999. Soil macronutrient distribution in rotationally stocked kikuyugrass paddocks with short and long grazing periods. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 30:557-571.
  • Mathews, B.W., and R.S. Senock. 1998. Sustainable soil management in the high rainfall areas of Hawaiʻi Island and the use of some conventional and alternative fertilizers. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 9:7-32.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.P. Tritschler II, and S.C. Miyasaka. 1997. Sustainable phosphorus management in pasture-based dairy systems. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 8:27-58.
  • Mathews, B.W., J. Ram, and M.K. Takahashi. 1997. Neem tree establishment and soil response to the use of polypropylene ground cover cloth on a Hawaiian Andisol. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 8:1-12.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.P. Tritschler II, N.P. Douglas, and D.L. Madsen. 1996. Some chemical characteristics of soils and manures at Hawaiʻi Island dairies. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 7:21-35.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, V.D. Nair, and C.R. Staples. 1994. Impact of grazing management on soil N, P, K, and S distribution. J. Environ. Qual. 23:1006-1013.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, P. Nkedi-Kizza, L.A. Gaston, and H.D. Hornsby. 1994. Soil sampling procedures for monitoring potassium distribution in grazed pastures. Agron. J. 86:121-126.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, and C.R. Staples. 1994. Dairy heifer and bermudagrass pasture responses to rotational and continuous stocking. J. Dairy Sci. 77:244-252.
  • Ram, J., and B.W. Mathews. 1994. The need for further evaluation of some potential low-input agricultural crops for the Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawaiʻi. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 5:73-81.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, and C.R. Staples. 1994. Sulfur fertilization of bermudagrass and effect on digestion of nitrogen, sulfur, and fiber by nonlactating cows. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 5:21-30.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, and C.R. Staples. 1994. In vitro digestibility and nutrient concentration of bermudagrass under rotational stocking, continuous stocking, and clipping. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25:301-317.
  • Mathews, B.W., R.E. Joost, and L.E. Sollenberger. 1992. Some factors affecting response of 'Florida 77' alfalfa to acid-soil amendments. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 51:130-135.
  • Mathews, B.W., and R.E. Joost. 1990. The effects of leaching surface-applied amendments on subsoil aluminum and alfalfa growth in a Louisiana Ultisol. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 21:567-581.
  • Joost, R.E., B.W. Mathews, and C.S. Hoveland. 1989. Phosphorus response of sericea lespedeza on a Georgia Ultisol. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 20:837-849.
  • Mathews, B.W., and R.E. Joost. 1989. Use of sulfate salts to reduce subsoil aluminum toxicity: A review. J. Hawaiian Pacific Agric. 2:24-30.

Articles in Edited Proceedings

  • Buck, K., J.R. Carpenter, and B.W. Mathews. 2008. Use of the Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system (CNCPS) for predicting beef cattle cow-calf production in Hawaii. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci 59:179-183.
  • Miyasaka, S.C., B. Mathews, P. Singleton, D. Greenough, and C. Clayton. 2007. Growth of two pasture legumes in an acid, aluminum-toxic soil. p. 36-39. In M.S. Thorne and L.J. Cox (ed.) Proceedings 2007 Mealani Forage Field Day - Risk Management for Grass-Based Operations. Mealani Res. Stn., Kamuela, HI. 28-29 Sep. 2007. CTAHR, Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, Honolulu.
  • Buck, K., J.R. Carpenter, M.S. Thorne, and B.W. Mathews. 2007. In situ rates of insoluble macro-mineral release from alfalfa and tropical grasses, and relationships with dry matter disappearance. Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:378-382.
  • Carpenter, J.R., and B.W. Mathews. 2006. Effects of aeration and sewage biosolids on improved kikuyugrass pasture productivity and nutrient composition. p .28-35. In M.S. Thorne and L.J. Cox (ed.) Proceedings 2006 Mealani Forage Field Day - Hawaii Grown Beef: From Pasture to Market. Mealani Res. Stn., Kamuela, HI. 7 Oct. 2006. CTAHR, Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, Honolulu.
  • Buck, K., J.R. Carpenter, and B.W. Mathews. 2006. Rate of dry matter and insoluble macromineral release of tropical pasture during in situ digestion trials in cattle. p. 18-22. In M.S. Thorne and L.J. Cox (ed.) Proceedings 2006 Mealani Forage Field Day - Hawaii Grown Beef: From Pasture to Market. Mealani Res. Stn., Kamuela, HI. 7 Oct. 2006. CTAHR, Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Manoa, Honolulu.
  • Gusman, V.S., J.R. Carpenter, S.C. Miyasaka, and B.W. Mathews. 2005. Assessment of calcium, phosphorus, and oxalate intake and excretion by horses grazing kikuyu grass pastures in Hawaii. p. 54-60. In M.S. Thorne and L.J. Cox (ed.) Proceedings 2005 Mealani Forage Field Day - Improved Livestock and Forage Production Through Sustainable Management Practices. Mealani Res. Stn., Kamuela, HI. 17 Sept. 2005. Univ. of Hawaiʻi Coop. Ext. Serv. CTAHR Proc. P-09/05.
  • Humphreys, V.T., J.R. Carpenter, B.W. Mathews, and B.A. Buckley. 2005. The effects of temperature, rainfall, month of harvest and pasture management on the mineral composition of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). p. 46-53. In M.S. Thorne and L.J. Cox (ed.) Proceedings 2005 Mealani Forage Field Day - Improved Livestock and Forage Production Through Sustainable Management Practices. Mealani Res. Stn., Kamuela, HI. 17 Sept. 2005. Univ. of Hawaiʻi Coop. Ext. Serv. CTAHR Proc. P-09/05.
  • Sollenberger, L.E., J.C.B. Dubeaux, Jr., H.Q. Santos, and B.W. Mathews. 2002. Nutrient cycling in tropical pasture ecosystems. p. 151-179. In A.M.V. Batista et al. (ed.) Proc. 39th Reunião Anual Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnica, Recife, Brazil. 29 July - 1 Aug. 2002. Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnica, Brasilia, Brazil.
  • Elevitch, C., K. Wilkinson, and B. Mathews. 1999. Contour hedgerows for mulch production in a fruit tree orchard. p. 30-33. In F. Jiménez and J. Beer (ed.) Proc. Int. Symp. Multi-strata agroforestry systems with perennial crops. Turrialba, Costa Rica. 22-27 Feb. 1999. Centro Agrónomico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE).
  • Mathews, B.W., J.P. Tritschler II, and L.E. Sollenberger. 1997. Rotational stocking and soil nutrient distribution on Hawaiian grasslands. p. 119-120. In J.G. Buchanan-Smith et al. (ed.) Proc. XVIII Int. Grassl. Congr. Vol II., Winnipeg and Saskatoon, Canada. 8-17 June 1997. Canadian Forage Council, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, and J.P. Tritschler II. 1996. Grazing systems and spatial distribution of nutrients in pastures: Soil considerations. p. 213-229. In R.E. Joost and C.A. Roberts (ed.) Nutrient cycling in forage systems. Vol. I., Proc. Nutrient Cycling Symposium, Columbia, MO. 7-8 March 1996. Potash and Phosphate Institute (PPI) and the Foundation for Agronomic Research (FAR), Manhattan, KS.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, C.R. Staples, C.B. Mathews, and C.G. Chambliss. 1993. Impact of grazing dairy cattle on phosphorus cycling and water quality in a high water table pasture. p. 1560-1562. In L.R. Humphreys et al. (ed.) Proc. XVII Int. Grassl. Congr. Vol. II., Hamilton, NZ. 13-16 Feb. 1993. Keeling and Mundy Ltd., Palmerstown North, NZ.

Articles in Proceedings of Disciplinary or Local Colloquia

  • Mathews, B.W., and B.C. Mahilum. 2004. Tropical soils - Brief account of their genesis and nature. 8 pp. Paper presented at the 2004 Field Conf. of the Nat. Assoc. of Geoscience Teachers, Big Island, HI. 6-7 Aug. 2004.
  • Mathews, B.W. 2001. Perennial forage peanut for free-range cattle. p. 3. In H.M. Zaleski (summ. ed.) Out to Pasture - Creative Pasture Management for Free-Range Poultry, Pigs, Sheep and Cattle. Concurrent Session IIA - Hawaii Agric. 2001 Conf., Hilo, HI. 26-27 Jan. 2001. CTAHR, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.
  • Mathews, B.W., J. Ram, M.K. Takahashi. 1999. Neem, mahogany’s medical cousin, useful in Hawaiʻi. Woods Newsl. Forestry Conserv. 7(3):5.
  • Carpenter, J.R., B.W. Mathews, B.R. LeaMaster, B.A. Buckley, and R.Y. Niino-DuPonte. 1999. Effect of stocking rate on cow-calf productivity while grazing improved kikuyu pasture during fall versus spring calving seasons. 8 pp. Paper presented at the 1999 Hawaii Beef Cattle (Cow/ Calf) Workshop, Kamuela, HI. 26 March 1999. Univ. of Hawaii Coop. Ext. Serv.
  • Mathews, B.W., J.R. Carpenter, and Z. Gibson. 1999. Soil-plant-animal system investigations in progress at the Mealani Experiment Station and Pu‘u‘ala Farm and Ranch. 3 pp. Paper presented at the 1999 Hawaii Beef Cattle (Cow/ Calf) Workshop, Kamuela, HI. 26 March 1999. Univ. of Hawaii Coop. Ext. Serv.
  • Mathews, B.W., and S.A. Shehata. 1996. Evaluation of farmer training and recommendations for the future. p. 39-42. In Proc. Agriculture...Visions for Hawaii's Future: Considering a Center for Rural Economic Development. 11 Jan. 1996. Univ. of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Agriculture, Hilo, HI.
  • Mathews, B.W., and J. Ram. 1994. Soils and fertility in sustainable agriculture. p. 22-35. In Proc. 4th Annu. Hawaii Conf. of the World Sustainable Agric. Assn. 11-12 Nov. 1994. World Sustainable Agriculture Association, Honolulu, HI.
  • Mathews, B.W., L.E. Sollenberger, and C.R. Staples. 1992. Grazing systems for raising replacement heifers on bermudagrass pasture: Animal, plant, and soil responses. p. 106-121 In Proc. 29th Annu. Florida Dairy Prod. Conf., Gainesville, FL. 14-16 April 1992. Univ. of Florida, Gainesville.
  • Mathews, B.W., and R.E. Joost. 1989. Reduction of subsoil aluminum toxicity to alfalfa by leaching of surface-applied amendments. p. 54-58. In Proc. 1989 Am. Forage Grassl. Conf., Guelph, ON, Canada. 22-25 May 1989. Am. For. Grassl. Council, Georgetown, TX.

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