College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Koleke Mahiʻai, Kālaiululāʻau, a Hoʻokele Kumuwaiwai Kūlohelohe

Yiqing Li

(808) 932-7156

(808) 932-7037

College of Agriculture Building, room 109

Yiqing in the ForestDr. Yiqing Li B.S., Inner Mongolia Forestry College
M.S., Beijing Forestry University
Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico


  • FOR 202 Forestry & Natural Resources (3)
  • FOR 440 Forest Ecosyst Restoration/Mgt (3)
  • NRES 196 Intro to Natural Resource Mgmt (3)
  • NRES 410 Invasive Species & Ecosystems (3)
  • NRES 420 Hydrology and Watershed Mgmt (3)
  • NRES 430 GIS Application in Nat Res Mgt (3)

Research interests

  • Forest soil ecology
  • Carbon sequestration of tropical forests
  • Tropical silviculture and forest ecosystem restoration
  • Impacts of invasive species on tropical forests
  • Tropical sustainable natural resource management

Selected Publications

  • Li, Yiqing, Orlo Steele, Pamela Scheffler. 2020. A novel approach for dry forest restoration in Hawaii. Archive of Agricultural Research and Technology. 1(1): 1004.
  • Li, Yiqing. 2020. Impacts of invasive species on agriculture in Hawaii. Agricultural Science and Technology 24(1): DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2020.24.556253
  • Decheng Xiong, J. Huang, Z. Yang, Shidong Chen, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li, YushengYang. 2020. The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on fine root exudation rates in a young Chinese-fir stand. Forest Ecology and Management 458: DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117793
  • Liu, Jiebao, Ji Chen, Guangshui Chen, Janfen Guo, Yiqing Li✷. 2020 Enzyme stoichiometry indicates the variation of microbial nutrient requirements at different soil depths in subtropical forests. PlosOne
  • Phillips, HR, C.A. Guerra1, M.L.C. Bartz, M.J. I. Briones, G. Brown, T.W. Crowther……Yiqing Li et al. 2019. Global distribution of earthworm diversity. Science 366 (6464): 480-485.
  • Liuming Yang, Zhijie Yang, Yuanzhen Peng, Yanyu Lin, Decheng Xiong, Yiqing Li✷, Yusheng Yang. 2019. Evaluating P availability influenced by warming and N deposition in a subtropical forest soil: a bioassay mesocosm experiment. Plant and Soil 444: 87–99.
  • Jinxue Huang, Teng-Chiu Lin, Decheng Xiong, Zhijie Yang, Xiaofei Liu, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li, Yusheng Yang. 2019. Organic carbon mineralization in soils of a natural forest and a forest plantation of southeastern China. Geoderma 344: 119-126.
  • Shidong Chen, Zhijie Yang, Xiaofei Liu, Jie Sun, Chao Xu, Decheng Xiong, Weisheng Lin, Yiqing Li✷. 2019. Moss regulates soil evaporation leading to decoupling of soil and near-surface air temperatures. Journal of Soils and Sediments 19: 2903-2912.
  • Xiaofei Liu, Shidong Chen, Zhijie Yang, Chengfang Lin, Decheng Xiong, Weisheng Lin, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li✷, Yusheng Yang✷. 2019. Will heterotrophic soil respiration be more sensitive to warming than autotrophic respiration in subtropical forests? European Journal of Soil Science 70: 655-663.
  • Yiqing Li, Yanxia Qing, Maokui Lyu, Shidong Chen, Zhijie Yang, Chengfang Lin, Yusheng Yang. 2018. Effects of artificial warming on different soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in a subtropical plantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry: 124:161-167.
  • Decheng Xiong, Zhijie Yang, Guangshui Chen, Xiaofei Liu, Weisheng Lin, Jinxue Huang, Francis P. Bowles, Chengfang Lin, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li✷. 2018. Interactive effects of warming and nitrogen addition on fine root dynamics of a young subtropical plantation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123: 180-189.
  • Xiaofei Liu, Zhijie Yang, Chengfang Lin, Christian P. Giardina, Decheng Xiong, Weisheng Lin, Shidong Chen, Chao Xu, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li✷, Yusheng Yang. 2017. Will nitrogen deposition mitigate warming-increased soil respiration in a young subtropical plantation? Agricultural & Forest Meteorology 246: 78-85.
  • Weisheng Lin, Yiqing Li, Zhijie Yang, Christian P. Giardina, Jinsheng Xie, Guangshui Chen, Chengfang Lin, Yakov Kuzyakov, Yusheng Yang. 2018. Warming exerts greater impacts on subsoil than topsoil CO2 efflux in a subtropical forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 263: 137-146.
  • Qiufang Zhang, Jinsheng Xie, Maokui Lyu, Decheng Xiong, Jian Wang, Yuehmin Chen✷, Yiqing Li, Mingkuang Wang, Yusheng Yang✷. 2017. Short-term effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on the N:P stoichiometry of Cunninghamia lanceolata in subtropical regions. Plant and Soil: 411:395-407.
  • Xiaofei Liu, Teng-Chiu Lin, Zhijie Yang, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, Chengfang Lin, Decheng Xiong, Weisheng Lin, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yiqing Li, Yusheng Yang. 2017. Increased litter in subtropical forests boosts soil respiration in natural forests but not plantations of Castanopsis carlesii. Plant and soil 418: 141-151.
  • Kaimiao Lin, Maokui Lyu, Miaohua Jiang, Yuehmin Chen, Yiqing Li, Guangshui Chen, Jinsheng Xie, Yusheng Yang. 2017. Improved allometric equations for estimating biomass of the three Castanopsis carlesii H. forest types in subtropical China. New Forests 48(1): 115-135.
  • Maokui Lyu, Jinsheng Xie, Liisa Ukonmaanaho, Miaohua Jiang, Yiqing Li, Yuehmin Chen, Zhijie Yang, Yanxiang Zhou, Weisheng Lin, Yusheng Yang. 2016. Land use change exerts a strong impact on deep soil C stabilization in subtropical forests. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17: 2305-2317.
  • Li, Yiqing and B. Mathews. 2011. Soil carbon changes after conversion of sugarcane plantation to forest and pasture in Hawaii. Plant and Soil 335: 245-253.
  • Li, Yiqing, A. Shimabukuro and B. Mathews. 2010. The effects of tree plantation rotation on earthworm abundance and biomass in Hawaii. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 151-154.
  • Li, Yiqing, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang and Y. Xia, 2009. Rehabilitating China’s Largest Inland River. Conservation Biology 23: 531-536.
  • Zhao, R., Y. Chen, H. Zhou, Yiqing Li, Y. Qian, and L. Zhang. 2008. Assessment of wetland fragmentation in the Tarim River basin, western China. Environmental Geology 57: 455–
  • Gonzalaz, G., Yiqing Li and X. Zou. 2008. Effects of post-hurricane fertilization and debris removal on earthworm abundance and biomass in subtropical forests in Puerto Rico. Biodiversidade e Ecologia 7:99-108.
  • Li, Yiqing and G. Gonzalez. 2007. Soil fungi and macrofauna in the Neotropics. In: Myster R.W. (eds) “Post-agricultural succession in the Neotropics”, Springer.
  • Li, Yiqing, M. Xu and X. Zou. 2006. Heterotrophic soil respiration in relation to biotic and abiotic factors in wet tropical forests. Plant and Soil 281, 193-201.
  • Li, Yiqing, M. Xu and X. Zou. 2006. The effects of nutrient additions on ecosystem carbon dynamics in a wet tropical forest. Global Change Biology 12, 284-293.
  • Li, Yiqing, H. Ruan, X. Zou and R. Mayster. 2005. The response of major soil decomposers to landslide disturbance in a Puerto Rican forest. Soil Science 170, 202-211.
  • Li, Yiqing, M. Xu, X. Zou and Y. Zhang. 2005. Comparing of soil organic carbon dynamics in plantations and secondary forests in wet tropics in Puerto Rico. Global Change Biology 11, 239-248.
  • Zhang, Y. and Yiqing Li. 2005. Pricing or valuing natural resources? Environmental Sciences and Policy 8, 179-186.
  • Zhang, Y. and Yiqing Li. 2005. Reply to comment on “Pricing or valuing natural resources?” Environmental Sciences and Policy 8, 189-190.
  • Li, Yiqing, M. Xu, X. Zou and Y. Xia. 2005. Soil CO2 efflux and fungal and bacterial biomass in a plantation and a secondary forest in wet tropics in Puerto Rico. Plant and Soil 268, 151-160.
  • Li, Yiqing, M. Xu, O.J. Sun and W. Cui. 2004. Effects of root and litter exclusion on soil CO2 efflux and microbial biomass in wet tropical forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36: 2111-2114.

Contact Information

(808) 932-7156

(808) 932-7037

College of Agriculture Building, room 109